
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 27. A Physical Feature I Love...

First of all... Happy March 1'st! I have to say that I am glad February is over...I know that another whole month of winter is over...and that Spring is approaching!!!! I have been very busy, thus the lack of post appearing. 

Okay-so for a physical feature I love... I'd have to say hair...the first thing I always look at when I meet someone is their hair (so make sure it looks good when you are around me!!! lol)
 BUT... since I have had braces...I'm really into teeth now. I'd say after hair...I notice teeth...
  Then, after that eyes...I am fascinated by eye colors, and I especially love my siblings eyes. We have various shades of blue eyes in the family, and I love looking at their eyes (I have hazel'ish eyes... I was told many times when I was little "you have muddy-green eyes") so...I didn't get the "blue eye gene", but I'm okay with that. 

Okay...that's it for tonight!

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